Meet Aldaris CPA Your Year Round Financial Partner

Proudly Providing Tax Advisory Services for Seattle, Washington

At Aldaris CPA, we understand that the world of finance is more than just numbers—it’s about your journey, your dreams, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing your financial world is in order. That’s why we’re committed to providing a clear path through the complexity of taxes and financial planning—because life is taxing enough.

Edwin, our founder, brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, transforming tax jargon into actionable insights. His mission is to empower you with strategies that meet and exceed expectations. With Aldaris CPA, you gain a partner who is invested in your financial success as you are.


What We Do

Aldaris CPA Group is your ally in managing taxes and accounting. We handle everything from your yearly tax returns to complex business accounting, ensuring you can focus on what matters most. Our experts provide straightforward advice and services that simplify your tax situation, because life is taxing enough.


Our Approach

We listen, we understand, and we act. Our approach is to make tax and accounting simple and stress-free for you. We leverage the latest technology to provide timely, transparent services, fostering a partnership built on trust and mutual success.


Our Mission

Our mission is to offer clear, actionable tax and accounting advice that makes a real difference in your life and business. We strive to be the advisor you can rely on for peace of mind in all financial matters, committed to guiding you with expertise and empathy.

Who We Are?

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Your Financial Milestones, Our Commitment

The Aldaris Advantage: Clarity in Every Number

Here, every figure tells a story. Your story. We don’t just crunch numbers; we cultivate strategies that reflect your goals, ambitions, and values. From optimizing your tax position to navigating business growth, our advice is tailored to your unique narrative.

Access and Assurance All Year Round

Accessibility isn’t just a word for us; it’s a promise. We’re here for you throughout the year, not just at tax time. By getting to know you and your financial situation well in advance, we’re able to proactively craft strategies that safeguard your assets, enhance cash flow, and diminish tax burdens.

Join us at Aldaris CPA, where we make every number count, ensuring that you can look forward to the future with confidence. After all, life is taxing enough; let us take the financial weight off your shoulders, so you can enjoy what you’ve worked so hard for.

Venture & Growth

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Private Equity

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